Fast and easy peanut butter
light chocolate cookies

August 04, 2018

skinny chocolate cookies, peanut butter cookies, gluten free cookies

The Odd Fork has an often sweet tooth, so it pinches cookies!
Cookies which are easy to make and at the same time full of good, nutritious stuff. Another good thing is that they come in various flavors!

For this unusual -but very aromatic chocolate option, the Odd Fork used:

- a jar of good quality peanut butter, made of 100% peanuts (220 grams)
- 100 grams milk chocolate with stevia, melted
- 1/3 cup of coconut sugar
- 2 sticks or 2 teaspoons instant espresso powder
- 1 teaspoon of pure almond extract
- millet flakes
- some shredded coconut

The Odd Fork emptied out the peanut butter into a bowl and mixing well, it added the melted chocolate, coconut sugar, espresso powder, almond extract and millet flakes (about 2/3 cup or some more, until a dough was formed).
Millet flakes are gluten free, cheap to buy and they have a pleasant, mild taste, but feel free to use oat flakes, buckwheat flakes or anything you like.
Finally, the Odd Fork added some shredded coconut (found also that very moment in the kitchen shelf, so why not?).
It dropped the cookie dough by rounded tablespoonfuls about 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet and baked in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 10 - 15 minutes.

It let cookies cool for 20 - 30 minutes, carefully removed from cookie sheet and stored them in a cookie jar.
They turned out lovely, great with morning coffee or milk, or just practically any time!

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