Lemon jam with pink pepper

January 03, 2020

odd fork, the odd fork, paraxeno pirouni

When life gives you lemons, make lemon jam with pink pepper!
It is the best “recycle” recipe so that empty lemon shells from squeezed lemons can also be used! Just boiled them till they’re tender changing the water 2 - 3 times, puree them in your blender, measure the pulp and add equal amount of sugar.
Simmer in low heat with some pink peppercorns until it thickens. You can add in the end some brandy or your favorite liqueur. 

Ready to enjoy with cream cheese and your favorite coffee or tea!

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  1. Wonderful accomplishments. Wish my hit and miss borders looked so goo. I think my problem is that usually (for me) it is a way to get rid of left over strips so mine looks messy. Yours has a rhythm and consistency which mine never has. Will save a copy of yours as a GOOD example of what hit and miss should look like.

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